Wednesday, July 20, 2016

One Month - Kylie

One Month - 7/16/16

Kylie is a month old! It's gone by fast! She had her one month appointment on the 20th. She weighed 10 pounds and 2 ounces. She was 22.25 inches tall. We found out that she has acid reflux. I was pretty sure she did. She cries all the time and spits up a ton. The doctor gave us some formula to try out and we are putting her on medicine so life should be a lot better soon. One super awesome this is the doctor said her eye nerves are at a 6 month level. She stares really well and follows movement. She was super impressed! Go Kylie!

          *Drinks 2-3oz at a time
          *Doesn't like to be naked
          *Likes the bath
          *Loves to relax and sleep in  her swing but doesn't like it to move
          *Likes tummy time
          *Likes to watch Blake
          *Is usually awake from 2pm till bedtime
          *Gets fussy around 4pm
          *Is drinking sensitive formula
          *Sleeps in car seat
          *Looks around a lot when awake
          *Hold her head up pretty well
          *Hasn't really noticed Chloe yet - Chloe keeps her distance though
          *Doesn't mind binky but doesn't love it as much as Blake did.
          *Loves being rocked
          *When she cries it's goes from 0 to 100 in one second.
          *Spits up a lot- Blake hardly spit up
          *Gets the hiccups a lot
          *She has a good amount of hair- hopefully she doesn't lose it all
          *Doesn't mind Blake holding her - surprisingly she is really calm when he holds her
          *She sleeps with her arms above her head when she isn't swaddled
          *She started wearing 3 month clothes this week

If I'm being completely honest it's been a rough month. I would say maybe two nights so far she has slept ok. It's starting to catch up with me since I've done every night by myself so far. I have been in quite a bit of pain up until a week ago so I was pretty drained.

Blake loves Kylie so much it just warms my heart. That was one of my biggest fears, that Blake would hate her and hit her or get super jealous because I have heard a lot of stories about that. He honestly loves helping me with everything. When he sees she's awake and laying on her blanket or doing tummy time he runs over and lays next to her, gives her hugs and kisses, says hi and waves. He helps change diapers, throw diapers away, wipe her face when she spits up, burp her (tries to), puts her binky in, turns her swing on (she hates this), feed her, hold her and plays with her. 

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