Sunday, January 10, 2021

December 2020 - Part 2

December 2020 - Part 2

We did a lot of fun things while in NY. One of the first things we did was have a Peppa pig tea party. Kylie loves Peppa pig so all had a tea party for lunch.

We went sledding three times! The first two times were at a hill near grandma and grandpas. The hill goes down towards the Saratoga Lake which made Blake nervous. He was scared of sledding right into the lake. He went down a few times but mostly watched. We had two incidents happen while sledding. The first one was me losing my phone. It was pretty stressful but thankfully I finally found it. The second incident was our second time at the hill and Kylie went down by herself on a smaller hill   but due to her weight she didn't stop at the bottom of the hill and ended up going on a detour which ended with her on a small pond. Thankfully Grandpa and Jeremy were able to get her off the pond but it was scary for a bit.  The funny part was she loved it! She didn't realize exactly what happened but she is our more adventurous child so she loved the detour. When she ended on the partially frozen pond she yelled "Can I do it again?". We did a few more slides down the hill and then headed home. 

We decided to go to another sledding hill that did not have a lake at the bottom and I'm so glad we did. Blake finally gave it a try and by the end he was sledding by himself down big hills. They both had a blast! Probably the highlight of the trip for them.

Kylie LOVED Chip. Chip liked Kylie but not as much as she liked him. They were pretty much inseparable the entire trip. Chip was not a fan of Jeremy and I so he would usually bark at us when we walked in the room. By the end of the trip he was playing with Jeremy but still barked at him when he saw him.

We went to a few drive-thru Christmas activities. We went to a farm to watch Rudolph movie and fireworks. We also went by a house that had a light show. 

The kids made gingerbread houses and made sugar cookies with Grandma! They were so excited and enjoyed both. They did a really good job making the houses and I forgot to get pictures of the final projects. 

Grandma and Grandpa had a big surprise planned for the kids. Santa and Ms. Clause stopped by for a visit and gave them us an early Christmas present. The kids were so excited to see Santa and this was their first time for the year due to COVID. Santa even brought Jeremy and I early Christmas presents. 

Random Event - One night after sledding the kids and I looked out the front window and saw a fire truck blocking the drive way. I didn't think of anything at first. We thought it was cool to see it up close. After a few minutes I started to get worried. Jeremy and my dad were doing a little shoveling and all the neighbors were looking up the driveway as they drove or walked by. I went outside to see what was happening and the fireman were all over the driveway as there was a hawk stuck in the top of a tree in the backyard. They ended up calling in a huge firetruck with a bucket and after a while were able to get the hawk loose. It was a random event but it was cool to have something exciting happen. 

To be continued....


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