21 Weeks- 1/28/15
Blake is getting bigger and stronger everyday. He laughed for the first time this week. So far I have been able to get him to laugh twice. He is getting more needy/clingy though. He gets upset as soon as he loses sight of me. But after a minute or two he forgets about it and plays by himself. He loves his toys more and more each day. He loves to chew anything he can get his hands on.
This weekend wasn't planned to be fun but it turned out really fun. Saturday Jeremy and I planned on running errands but separately so we could get it done faster. He went to Sam's club and Arizona Cardinals player Ellington was there for 2 hours signing things and taking pictures. He called us and we packed everything up and ran to Sam's Club. We only had to wait in line for 20 minutes. He was really nice and signed whatever we wanted. He signed my work cup that I used everyday. He signed my jersey and then he signed Blake's jersey that he was wearing. He also signed a poster for Blake. It was so much fun! Blake was so cute when he was signing his shirt. He just stared at him. After we went and ran our separate errands. I took Blake alone for the 1st time since I went back to work. He was really good. We went to Target and Kohl's. Did some fun shopping! We also went shopping together Friday night. We bored Daddy to death but got some pretty cute outfits for little Blake.
Saturday night we went to a hot air balloon event right by our house. We left at 5 and parked at 6:30 we could have walked there faster! No joke! They charged up $5.00 to sit in a line. We finally got out and walked around as fast as we could. Blake was a little unsure about the balloons. But, he LOVED the fireworks. We laid in the grass together and watched them. He thought they were the coolest thing ever! We then got the privilege of sitting in another line to get out of the event. I wouldn't go again or recommend it unless you go during the day which wouldn't be as fun.
I must have done something to my back at the event because my back hurt so bad on Sunday I was couch bound. Blake was having a rough morning which was making the morning next to impossible. Luckily after two naps he finally was happy again. We had a bon fire Sunday night. Blake liked it, Chloe hated it.
Monday was the first day of busy season. It was an ok day but it ended sad. I was so stressed out I ended up crying the whole way home I missed my little man but we made it. Tuesday was the worst day of my life so we will skip that day.
Today wasn't much better than Tuesday. We got an email from the boss that I disliked. Pretty much there will be absolutely no stability to busy season. I need stability and schedules so obviously I wasn't too happy. I just feel horrible not being able to tell the lady that watches Blake what time we are going to be picking him up. I would go crazy if I was her but I have no control of my hours. Rang over. Just frustrated and needed to get it out. Blake has been having a blast in his bouncer while I wrote this. He is tall enough now that his feet touch the ground so he has more control. Well I'm going to go have fun with my little man! See ya in a week!