Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Week 29 2022

 Week 29

This was a very busy week. Jeremy and I were both trying to catch up on work from being out for the road trip. The kids had a slower week at summer camp. The fieldtrips were Kona Ice and the City pool. 

We also had a crazy busy weekend but fun busy. On Friday, we grabbed some food from Cheddars dinner and watched baseball. On Saturday, we went to Costco to run some errands and then went to our local Orange Leaf for ice cream. The kids had so much fun filling their bowls. 

We hurried back home to get changed and ready for the AZ Diamondbacks game. It was Star Wars night and I purchased tickets for the kids and me. They were giving out free shirts to the first 10,000 fans so I wanted to get there early. Jeremy thought I was crazy, but we ended up getting there just in time to get three of the last shirts. Sadly, they are too big for the kids, but I might try to cut them or something. I was just excited we got some. There were so many Star Wars characters walking all over the stadium. Blake was too nervous, but he was willing to take a picture with a few of them. 

We went to the kid's area next. The kids both played on the playground and received their free prizes. They both earned a glow in the dark hat. Next, we went to find our seats. I purchased tickets in the 200 section which we have never sat in. The stadium was so hot, so it was nice to be able to walk in the air-conditioned hallways to cool off once in a while.

The kids each picked one snack. They both picked an Icee. The kids did really well watching the game. Kylie watched the game the entire time we were there. Blake usually watches his tablet for a portion of the game. Kylie was a little wild which probably came from all the sugar. I probably won't take both kids to a game alone again. They are both a little hard to handle alone. It was a fun night though. It was cool that it was something different because of the Star Wars theme. 

Blake won the ABC15 drawing for Kids take the Field. With the promotion he received 4 game tickets and was able to go on the field with a player before the game. He was SO excited when I told him. It was something that he will remember forever. Blake and I went down to the field about 45 minutes before the game started. They took some pictures of the kids and then we all watched the players warm up. It was Baxter's Birthday so there were a few extra events. All of the AZ sports and college mascots came and joined Baxter on the field. It made it a little crazier on the field, but it was really fun to be right on the field to see it. At one point I was able to get Blake's ball signed by Alek Thomas. Thomas is Blake current favorite Diamondback player. Blake was SO excited when I showed him. 

As the players ran out to the field the assigned kid would get to run out with them. Blake was assigned to Sergio Alcantara. The player signed their ball and then stood with them during the National Anthem. Blake had so much fun! I had fun getting to be on the side of the field and watch it all. 

We went to our seats and joined Jeremy and Kylie to watch the game. Jeremy and Kylie had fun in the kid's area. They had tons of activities going on. Overall, a super fun experience! It felt like we spent the entire weekend at Chase Field, but I won't complain, I love baseball! :) 

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