Week 7
Monday was Valentine's Day! The kids both had a fun day at school exchanging valentines and having parties. They both came home with tons of valentines, and we had so much fun opening them all.
Last year we started the tradition of having Jeremy and I being Blake and Kylie's valentines. We stuck with the same valentines as last year, so Blake and I were valentines and Jeremy and Kylie were valentines. Kylie was REALLY into it this year which made it so much fun! Kylie picked out a cookbook and a Keto Krate for Jeremy. Jeremy picked out a Puppy dog Pals toy and a Frozen doll set for Kylie. Blake bought me a Crumbl Cookie gift card and I picked out a Hess plane/jet toy for Blake. Everyone loved their gifts and felt very loved.
I also picked out a valentine's day gift for Jeremy. He LOVES Magic Spoon cereal, so I purchased him 8 boxes and the magic spoon bowl/spoon set.
On Tuesday, Blake came home from school with a card from his teacher to me. We read it together and it melted my heart. His teacher was thanking me for organizing the class valentines party and creating crafts for the party. She mentioned that Blake was raving about how awesome his mom is. Blake gave me the biggest hug after I read it and told me I'm the best mom ever! It was exactly what I needed to hear, and I hope I can always make him proud and know that I love him.
On Saturday, we went to the Buckeye Air Show. We arrived a little late so we watched the main jet show as we were driving in. We set up a little camp area with our chairs and then went to walk around and grab some food. We picked out a variety of food. Everyone wanted something different. I picked out Mexican food, Jeremy picked Barbeque, Blake picked popcorn, and Kylie picked cookies. We watched planes do tricks while we ate our lunch. They also had remote control jets which was SO cool. We walked around the military area and Jeremy showed Blake some of the guns they see on their video games. We went looking for where the "candy drop" was but we weren't finding it so we headed back to our chairs to pack up. We ended up finding out that our chairs were exactly where the candy drop was. We made it just in time for the kids to grab a bag and get ready for the helicopter to come. We had never been to a candy drop before so we had no idea what to expect. The helicopter came and as soon as it came close, dirt, sticks, rocks, and everything around started flying everywhere. It was survival mode for a good 30 seconds to a minute. They started to drop buckets of candy and once it was all dumped they said you could run and grab it. The funny part was that the candy was blowing everywhere because of the helicopter. It was complete madness. Blake ran right to the pile of candy and was able to get some. Kylie ran after a piece that was blowing away and by the time she made it to the pile there were too many people and she couldn't get to any candy. She started crying and made a big scene. Thankfully Jeremy and I had each grabbed 1 piece for her and then an older kid gave her a few of his pieces. She was still really upset for awhile but it was a good lesson for her. Overall it was a fun family activity.

On our way home we decided to clean the cars. Blake and I were one team and cleaned the Kia. Jeremy and Kylie were the other team and cleaned the Mazda. We competed to see who could clean the car the best. Blake was really into it and was scrubbing the back row while I did the front row. Blake and I won the competition!