Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Week 36

 Week 36

Right after Blake and I arrived home from Disneyland, Jeremy asked me what I thought about moving to Verrado. We had talked about moving to Verrado in the past but the market was too crazy at the time. I told him that I would consider but we would have to do it right away because I didn't want to switch schools too far into the year. 

 We headed to Ruby's for food and then spent the rest of the day driving around the area and going to a few open houses. We saw a few houses that we liked from the outside but wanted to see the inside. Kylie loved the open houses and told the realtors our whole life story. One of the houses had snacks so the kids loved that! Kylie asked the rest of the day when we get to go to our new house. 

On Monday, we scootered to breakfast at Panera which was fun. It's been a few months since our last family scooter ride. We hurried back home after and headed back to Verrado to meet up with our realtor. We viewed 6 or 7 homes and narrowed it down to two homes. We went to Taco Bell after to talk about the pros and cons. We came up with a plan and talked to the realtor later that night. We ended up making an offer on two houses and one was accepted! We are so excited to be moving. This house will give us more space and will make it more enjoyable to work from home. I'm most excited for the kids. They will have so many kids in the neighborhood to play with and the neighborhood has tons of events. We don't move in until the weekend of October 23rd. 

On Tuesday, I found out there was a COVID outbreak in Blake's class and all but 6 kids were sent home for the week. My heart melted because I immediately thought no one would be able to come to Blake's birthday party. Luckily the kids were able to test negative on Thursday and then they would be cleared to attend on Saturday. Blake wasn't included in the quarantine because he missed school the prior week so I was very thankful for that!

Blake got hurt at school one day this week and cut his chin open. Jeremy hurried and picked him up and took him to a few urgent cares none of which would help us because it was related to a child's face. It was really frustrating. We decided to go with a butterfly stitch which Jeremy handled and I'm hoping everything heals well and no scaring. 

Blake's 7th Birthday Party was on Saturday morning! We picked Main Event for the party location because Blake wanted bowling. The party went really well and I think everyone had fun. The 1st hour was bowling and the kids seemed to have fun! Blake was really shy for this part because he was embarrassed about his chin. He wore his mask but was still embarrassed. After bowling was pizza and drinks. The pizza was really good! Next, Blake opened presents. He received some awesome Lego sets, money, Fortnite mask, nerf gun, and robot! He LOVED all of them. After the party I was asking him what he thought of his presents and he said he loved them and he said all his friends know him so well! It was so cute! After presents we did cake. I had to create a cake because stores can't make a Fortnite cake. Blake loves tie-dye so I ordered a tie-dye cake and then I ordered Fortnite figures to place on the top. He LOVED his cake and I cute a slice and then we all sang happy birthday! We were about out of time so Blake and I passed out the goodie bags and a $10 arcade card to everyone. I think this was Blake's favorite part, he was having so much fun playing games with his friends! At then end we were grabbing our stuff out of the lockers and Blake yelled "This was the best party ever!" It made it all worth it! 

We went on another family scooter ride in Tempe! Blake and Jeremy have a path they drive to and ride to Panera and then a park. We did that as a family and it was fun. I started to get a cough so it was good to get outside and do something. 

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