Thursday, October 8, 2020

June 2020

                 June 2020

June was a pretty eventful month for us! We had two birthdays, fun family weekend, family visitors, and started our 4th of July vacation!

Family Fun Day - At the beginning of the month we had a family fun day! It was the first time we had left the house as a family. We decided to go to Uptown Jungle to let the kids play! They had a limit on how many people could be there at a time and sanitized frequently. The kids had so much! It was nice to get to see them playing together and running around. We grabbed lunch after at Fuddruckers which was super weird since we had not been to a restaurant since before everything shutdown. The kids did really well. 

Family Visitors - We were so excited to have family visit us. Jeremys brother and his family came to visit us for a few days. The kids loved having their cousins to play with. They spent lots of time in the pool, playing games, and walking through the park. We also went to a little kids amusement park near us which was really fun. Half of the group hike Camelback mountain with Olivia and Blake one morning! It sounds like it was a little tough but they had fun and made it to the top! 

Kylie's Birthday - Due to COVID, Jeremy and I decided to try and do a family virtual birthday party for Kylie. We invited everyone on both sides of our family and had a little party on zoom. I had so much fun planning it and putting it all together. It was more challenging and expensive than I initially thought due to shipping but Kylie loved it and felt special so it was all worth it. We played bingo, ate cake, and opened presents! For a first virtual party it went pretty smoothly! 

Trip to the Cabin - We drove to the cabin on my birthday. We took it slow and didn't rush as much as we usually do. We stopped at Chick fil a for lunch and ate it in the car which was yummy! Jeremy also picked up a cold stone cake to bring to the cabin! Once we arrived at the cabin we had dinner and cake and then went on a razor ride to one of our favorite hikes! It was nice to get out and move around after the drive. It was a little weird because hardly anyone was wearing masks or social distancing along the hiking path.

Over the next few days at the cabin, we did lots of razor rides, hiking, and campfires! It's nice to finally have the kids at ages where they are able to and enjoy most of the activities you can do at the cabin. When they were younger someone would have to stay behind so it's nice to not have to worry about that now. 

One fun memory that Kylie still talks about once a week was our trip to Brian Head. We took a drive to Brian Head and planned to ride the chair lift but it ended being too cold and windy. We went to a yummy pizza shop instead. On our way back home we decided to take detour and drive up to a higher elevation and went to the top at a lookout point. It was SO windy that everyone was blowing everywhere. Kylie remembers so clearing feeling like she was going to blow off the mountain. It was a funny memory!

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