Week 7 - 2021
This week was a pretty uneventful week. Blake had his kiwi crate club on Tuesday after school which he loves. The teacher is his old kinder teacher so he loves getting to see him again. I love having a day that I get to pick him up a little later.
Blake has continued to do really well at school and with his homework. I'm amazed at how well he is reading now and his willingness to read. He used to fight so bad to not have to read and now he knows the route and he actually picks larger books to read. I struggled with reading as a kid and it still affects my confidence to this day and I don't want Blake to have to go through that. It took me a while to realize that was why I would buy so many books. Jeremy thought I was crazy for a while and then after talking one day I connected it to my own childhood. I am willing to buy as many books as needed to get him interested in reading so hopefully he will become a strong reader.
Blake had school pictures this week. He was really excited about it and originally wanted to wear church clothes but after a little convincing I got him to wear something that shows his style a little more. He really wanted a mohawk which ended up looking really good!
One of my favorite things each day is going on a walk with Jeremy at lunch. Almost everyday we go for a 30 minute walk and it's nice to talk. Life is so busy that we honestly hardly have any time if any to talk so it's been nice to have a time to interact more.
Friday morning I got a horrible headache in the middle of one of my meetings. I looked out the window and all of the sudden it felt like I was hit by a bus. I got off the meeting and took ibprophen. Luckily I was able to lay down at lunch time which helped take the edge off. I ended up having to work until a little past 9pm and it was brutal. My head hurt so bad at this point and any movement made me feel so nauseous. I went to bed and the rest of the weekend was pretty much the same. On Sunday I decided to get tested for COVID just to be safe. I really didn't think it was but since the kids go to school I would rather be safe. The test ended up coming back negative and by Sunday night I was feeling much better. Still a little sensitive to light but nothing near what it was.
The house got pretty scary while I was down for the count. I came out of my room to grab water at one point and found Kylie on the kitchen island and the house looked like a bomb went off. It's crazy how fast Kylie can destroy a clean house.
I've been working on a project organizing all of our photos. We have had them on tons of different flash drives, SD cards, external drives, etc. I decided to clean them out and get rid of the pictures that weren't as good and move everything to one location. After then I will figure out one location going forward. I am almost done but still maybe a week or left.