Week 8 - 2017
This weekend Jeremy’s mom and Grandma were in town. We
went to the renaissance festival Saturday. This is our third time and it didn’t
disappoint. The weather was perfect! In the past, it has always been really hot
by the time we were leaving but it was really nice. We went to the Family
Circus show and Blake was really into it. It was fun to watch him. After we
grabbed lunch (Turkey leg and Broccoli Soup Bread Bowl) and got a seat for the
Jousting show. We watched the Jousting show which was really fun. That’s always
my favorite part. We walked around for a while and then Blake went to the
petting zoo and before we headed out we watched the end of another circus show.
We also painted another big chunk of the downstairs this
weekend. It’s nice to see it all coming together but the big difference is
going to be when we put in the new floors. We probably have two, maybe one more
weekend of painting and then we can start on the floors. We are trying to go
slow so we don’t get overwhelmed but it always seems to be more work than we
think. Especially with two kids around.
Kylie is in love with MumMum’s right now. Blake is really into picking out his clothes and pockets! He loves to put his hands in his pockets.