July 2017
I’m so far behind on life. This whole CPA thing is consuming
my whole life right now. We didn’t have a ton going on in July. Jeremy and the
kids went to Utah for fourth of July and I stayed in Phoenix due to medical issues. Blake and Kylie
had lots of fun playing with their cousins. They went to the Duck Creek parade,
canoeing, four wheeling, and went to the fire truck breakfast. Kylie started
walk a little better while she was at the cabin but she really started walking
right after she got back and mastered it within a week.
Later in July we went to a Cardinals practice. Blake went into
the kid’s camp course and did all the football practice activities. He had a
lot of fun. We also sat in the stands and watched the players practice.
We also went to cow appreciation day. We all put our spots
on and got free Chick-fil-a. Blake thought it was pretty cool and Kylie loved
the food.