Wednesday, March 25, 2015

29 Weeks

29 Weeks- 3/25/15

Blake is 29 Weeks! He is still teething. All he wanted to do last night was chew on his tethers. He is starting to like the binky more. I always have one in his bed and he finds it in the night and usually has it in the morning. He likes to play with it not really suck on it. He put it in his mouth and then pulls it out. It's funny. He still sleeps through the night unless he's sick. He is still the most amazing sleeper! He loves bed time at night. He drinks his bottle and then rolls over and goes to sleep. He loves to sleep just like Jeremy and I. :)

This weekend we went to the Renaissance festival. It's really big here but we had no idea what it was and we usually have to work Saturdays so by the time we get out and go home it's too late to go all the way over there. So we decided to go this Saturday even though it was suppose to get pretty hot. We got up early and eat breakfast at our favorite place downtown! There was a farmers market in the parking lot so that was fun to walk though. Then we headed to the festival. We got there a little before 10 so we were in line right when they opened. It was crazy how many people were there. The festival was really cool! We are totally going every year but the first weekend so it's not as hot. First of all it's huge!! There are like 16 stadiums or something. There are like 100 shops and a ton of attractions.

The first thing we did was watch a juggling show.

Then Blake got to play with a goose. The goose is really good with babies so Blake was like smashing and grabbing his face. It was so fun! The guy wouldn't let me stop him, he said let him have fun! The pictures are pretty cool!

Then we went to a comedy/acrobat show. It was SO funny and amazing! It was my favorite. Blake played in his car seat while we watched it.

Then Blake and I rode the "carousel." It was human run which was fun! Blake liked it. He didn't complain at least. lol He liked staring at the guys making the ride run.
Then we hurried over to the Jousting. Blake fell asleep in between so I stayed with him and Jeremy watched a little bit. We left in the middle and got a turkey leg, which was good!

They had elephants, camels, and llamas to ride! We will have to take Blake there to ride them when he's big enough!
After we started to walk through some of the shops as we headed out. Overall we had a ton of fun and are definitely going back next year!
On our way home we decided to stop at Winco. This is where we did a ton of grocery shopping when we were college students so it was fun to go down memory lane. We grabbed a bunch of food for cheap!
Saturday night Blake and I had fun playing in the play room which he ditched to play by the door. Crazy kid.

28 Weeks

28 Weeks- 3/18/15

I know I'm almost behind a week! Blake is getting closer and closer to crawling everyday. He can get on his knees and move one leg forward really easily and then he just smiles and stares. We try crawling next to him but he's not catching on yet. He is still really mobile though. He gets around. He has his first tooth coming in. Its the bottom front one. Which means he doesn't like to eat right now. It's the worst timing because the doctor said he needs to eat more and he is eating pretty much nothing for a few days. He still LOVES Chloe! When he see's her he smiles and starts talking to her.

Friday we went out to eat after work and then we got a few things for Blake at BabiesRUs. That was the excitement of the weekend!
We pretty much just stayed home and relaxed. We went for walks and cleaned.

Sunday Blake was sick. He was throwing up a lot in the morning and then was able to get a good nap in and seemed to feel better. We decided to try swimming for the first time this year. The water was pretty cold but Blake didn't seem to mind! He is such a cute swimmer!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

27 Weeks

27 Weeks- 3/11/15

Blake has become more active and happier this week. It's been a fun week with him. He is more interested in things now. He is being able to figure out things more. He is SO close to crawling. He wants t do it so bad! He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth. Tonight I was on the floor with him saying come here and he finally moved one leg forward. He was so excited! I think he will be moving all over the place really soon. He is currently loving his baby food! Our awesome baby sitter suggested putting oatmeal in his cereal to get extra calories and it's been working. I tried oatmeal with formula and he wanted nothing to do with it. But, he has been loving it with his baby food! Oh and he is SO smiley now! You just smile at him and he gives you a huge smile back! :)

Friday after work Jeremy, Blake and I went to dinner with some friends! It was so much fun to do something with another couple! We always just do things the two of us. Blake was actually really good too! I was super impressed!
This week was a pretty fun week! We worked on Saturday, went out to eat, went to a spring training game, walked around west gate and the outlet stores. I'm super bumbed though! I found a cute Easter outfit for Blake at Gymboree and thought I still had like 2 months before Easter but realized yesterday that it's not that far away. I guess I will need to go back this weekend to get it. He also needs to see the Easter bunny! Blake got to wear his first tie this week to church! He was so handsome! :)

The spring training game was fun! We got lawn seats so we were in the sun and it was crowded but it was fun! Blake had the cutest outfit ever, if I say so myself! Blake loved laying on the grass and playing with anything he could get his hands on! We walked around the stadium and showed Blake the game from closer up. We are hoping to go to another game soon but we might try and sit in the shaded seats. There aren't very many though.

We went to a restaurant in west gate. It was a good burger place. After, we walked around and then walked over to the outlet mall.

Tuesday we were on our way home from work and Thomas was closed so we had to do a U-turn and ran over something and it deflated our tire in one second. :( Jeremy was awesome! He changed it pretty quick and we were on our way. We have to use Jeremy's car for a few days while they order a new tire.

That pretty much sums up our awesome week!