Thursday, August 19, 2021

Week 30

 Week 30

This was the last full week of summer. Blake enjoyed just hanging out at home. It was crazy week for our rentals. It started with needing to replace the washing machine and then the next day the fridge needed to be replaced. Work has been super busy which made the whole situation harder. I was pretty frustrated and Jeremy ended up coming up with a brilliant idea. I have been wanting to sell our current fridge and get a French door fridge for awhile now but knew it wasn't a great investment. Jeremy said we could move our fridge to the rental and then get a new one. At first, I was so excited. Then COVID reality hit and realized that there are very few fridges in stock. The last place I looked at was Costco and thankfully they had a few options that could be delivered on Saturday. I walked Jeremy through the options and the differences and he said I could pick out my dream fridge! haha! It made me laugh because he knew I only had 3 options and they were only a few hundred dollars apart. I picked the French door fridge with two freezer drawers. 

Kylie and I loved to watch the Olympics every night. We loved watching the swimming, running, gymnastics, and beach volleyball. We would yell and cheer for the USA team members. 

On Wednesday, Kylie had swim lessons. She ended up having a brand new teach and the whole lesson was a joke. The girl had no idea what she was doing. Just based on how crazy life had been and work it was frustrating to spend the hour and a half getting her to the lesson and then it was a flop. Honestly, I think I'm burnt out of swim lessons. We started lessons almost 4 months ago and we hit it hard. They both went to lessons three or two days a week and I took them to every lesson. I'm SO glad I did it because they can swim now but I think I'm ready to quit for the year. We will see though.

Thursday night, Jeremy went to a fancy work dinner. He said next time I get a raise he will take me to the steak house. I'm going to hold him to that! :) While he was eating fancy food, I was scrubbing the fridge clean. I found the kids in a rare moment coloring peacefully together. The last few months they can't play together without fighting. They both love to just drive the other crazy and it gets exhausting. It was a nice change to see them playing together. 

On Friday, at lunch, Jeremy, Blake and I delivered our fridge to our rental property. Looking back now I can laugh but the whole situation didn't go as planned. Jeremy ordered the U-Haul and picked it up. We put the fridge on the dolly and then it didn't fit through the front door. We took the handles off and were out the door. Then, Jeremy opens the U-Haul and realizes he didn't get the kind with the ramp. At this point I think we are done but Jeremy says lets try and lift it up. haha! Thankfully he's super strong and I think I had just enough strength to make it happen. Long story short, we are stronger than I thought and we got the fridge in the U-Haul without getting hurt. 

We arrived at the rental property and Jeremy started to remove the old fridge. The first step was to detach the water hose. Jeremy starts to detach it and I hear water spraying lightly. I ask him if he needs help and he says he needs a bucket. The renter offered a bowl and Jeremy proceeds to full detach the water hose and water comes pouring out with a lot of pressure. The bowl was getting very full and I'm realizing this isn't going to stop. Jeremy tells me to shut off the water which I have no idea how so we switch roles and the bucket get full right before the renter handed me a new bowl. The bowl wasn't deep enough so the water is spraying all over me. I pretty much took a shower in the kitchen. haha! Right then Jeremy turned the water off. I can't even imagine what they were thinking. It was very smooth after that, thankfully. We were able to easily remove the fridge and attach the new one. 

Friday was Kylie's last day of school at her Pre-K. She was really sad about it. She LOVES her school and her teacher and has an amazing group of friends. She was crying after I picked her up. We bought flowers and treats for her teacher on her way to school and she was SO excited to give them to her. Her teacher wrote her a card and I was crying trying to read it to Kylie that night. That school has been such a blessing to Kylie. I'm thankful that we decided to make the change and invest a little more money to get Kylie into a better school. I know Kylie is reach for Kindergarten and will do amazing things at her new school! 

On Saturday, the kids had swim lessons and both did really well! The new fridge was also delivered and of course I had to run to the container store to find the perfect containers to organize. So far I have the fridge perfect but haven't tackled the freezer too much. No worries though, I will! :) I LOVE my new fridge and I'm so glad that Jeremy came up with the idea. 

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