Friday, October 9, 2020

July 2020

 We started the month of July at the cabin. Jeremy and I were able to go on a day razor ride together! It was a lot of fun to explore, have a lunch date, and explore the caves. Jeremy came up with a plan on the trails, we made a few fun stops to take small hikes, we stopped at our favorite burger shop, and then ended at the caves. We met the kids at the caves which they loved! I can say I did it but it wasn't my favorite thing.  :) 

One morning we went to breakfast at a near by lodge and then walked to a horseback riding shop. The kids went for a 15 minute ride and loved it! They were asking to go again and again. We will have to make it a tradition or something. The kids loved the caves so much that they went back to again with Jeremy!

Our last day at the cabin was on the 4th! We went to the unofficial parade. It was so much fun and the kids loved it! We were very safe and kept our distance from other families. I also sanitized all the candy wrappers! :) After the parade we had lunch and then headed back to Phoenix. We arrived home late but just in time to watch local fireworks from neighbors. We decided to sit on the roof and watch them and then went for a drive to find more. After we did sparklers in the backyard! 

Kylie started Pre-K at a near by school towards the end of the month. We were able to find one pretty close to our house and it has a great structure and curriculum. It has been amazing for Kylie! Behaviorally and educationally she has improved so much! She has made some really good friends and she LOVES going everyday! They have a different theme everyday so she gets to do show and tell everyday which is her favorite part. 

Blake and Jeremy went on a trip to Houston to visit family. They flew through Denver and had a long layover so they spent most of the day exploring Denver. It looked like they had a lot of fun! Kylie and I stayed home and went swimming! 

While they were gone I went on a decorating and organizing spree! Since we can't really go anywhere I decided to use the time to get some projects done that I had been wanting to do for awhile. I completely redecorated and set up Blake and Kylie's rooms. We moved around the furniture in Kylie's room and then added some more storage cubes. I also made her room unicorn themed! I love how it turned out! Blake's room we added a desk area for his distance learning as well as homework. I also made his room dinosaur themed! I think it turned out really good and he really likes it! My biggest project was reorganizing our pantry and parts of our kitchen. It was SO much fun and turned out amazing! 

Blake and Jeremy spent lots of time at Grandma and Grandpas land with the cows, went to blue bell, ate lots of food, and played with cousins! I'm so glad they were able to go and have fun before school started! 

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