Saturday, October 10, 2020

August 2020

 Blake started 1st grade on the 5th! His school was completely remote learning for the month of August. They changed the format quite a bit from how it was at the end of the year. He pretty much was in class all day through live teams meetings. He did pretty good the first few days! He would sit there and listen but some classes he wouldn't do the work and instead just sit there. :) I learned what classes he needed more guidance on and would sit with him through the classes. This worked sometimes but overall it was hard trying to help him like he needed while trying to work a demanding job. Blake had good days and some pretty bad days but overall he did really well all things considered. 

Jeremy had a birthday during the month! The kids had fun picking things out online for him for his birthday and we had cupcakes to celebrate. Jeremy received some new shirts, money, and an ice cream maker! 

A few months ago Chloe started sleeping with Blake every night. It was fun to see them bond. Chloe always goes to his bed now when she is tired and jumps up and falls asleep. Blake loves it!

One thing Blake has really wanted to learn this year is how to swim. I feel like a failure that we had not been able to give him the attention to learn yet. We did enroll him and pay for swim lessons at the YMCA but due to COVID it was cancelled after a few swim lessons. We have tried to do a few swim lessons at home and he has learned a lot but with everything going on in the world, school, and work we haven't had a ton of time to dedicate. We did try and make it a priority though in August and September. Blake had improved so much! I can tell that he really wants to learn which helped him learn faster. He's not amazing yet but he has learned a lot after only a few days. 

Blake lost his second tooth! We had discovered he had a loose tooth a few nights earlier and he played with it constantly and finally one night it was so loose that he asked me to pull it out. After two tries it came right out. He was SO excited! He told everyone in his class the next day! The tooth fairy also paid a visit!

Towards the end of the month I had to go into the office to move my stuff from my old cube into my new office! It was funny because I now have an office but there is a good chance I won't ever be working in it. It was fun to move my stuff though and get it set up a bit. If I end up working there someday then I'm excited to decorate it more. 

About a week or two into the school year we realized that we really needed help. I honestly was going crazy trying to balance a new full time job and helping Blake all day long with school. Lucky for us, my mom was able and willing to come out for two weeks and help Blake with his school work. This was a huge blessing and gave me the time I needed to focus on my work and get caught up. We spent most of the time with her in August in the pool! She taught Blake some swimming tricks in the pool and Kylie too! 

Kylie likes to take a picture outside her school almost everyday. Somedays I pretend like I took it if I'm in a huge hurry but it's a fun memory! She loves the little kid at play sign.

I think I forgot to include in the April post that we bought a new car! I absolutely love it! We bought a 2019 Mazda CX-5. 

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