Tuesday, August 23, 2016

23 Months - Blake

23 Months- 8/3/16 

- Blake waves bye when he leaves the room now- it makes me laugh- If you don't say bye he gets really upset
- He's new best friend is Chloe
- He dumps his bowl of snacks in the sink if I don't give him what he wants - super annoying
- When Chloe eats his snacks he gets mad at her and yells "no, no, no" repeatedly at her
- Loves Trotro, Little Einsteins, The Hive, and Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave
- Calls everyone "mama" the other day Blake and I went to pick up food at a restaurant. I was waiting at the bar and Blake saw and old couple at a table near us and he pointed at them and yelled mama. It was embarrassing.
- Loves dada. He calls him mama and then Jeremy says I'm dada and he screams dada. I'm not sure what's going on with him- he knows who we are.
- Says highns for hot
- Says vrom for phone
- He is the biggest helper with Kylie. He gets me burp rags, wipes her face when she spits up, helps burp her, tries to feed her, puts her binky in, helps change her diaper, throws diapers in the diaper genie, plays with her, does tummy time with her, and holds her.
- Getting super picky with food.
- Doesn't like bananas  as much
- Likes apples but he wants the apple whole. He cries if I cut it.
- He like ice cream, a lot.
- He has started taking his diaper off in the morning and there's poop in it so we have a mess to clean up most mornings.
- He says hi to you a lot if he has missed you. When Jeremy came home from his Zion's trip Blake followed him all around the house and kept saying hi and then wanted Jeremy to hold him.
- He still loves his binky. We try to only let him have it at night though.
- We recently gave Blake my old iphone and he thinks its the coolest thing. We let him play with it at restaurants that have wifi. He seems to behave better with it.

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